Additional Resources
You can find additional resources here for facilitating CTS professional learning or conducting your own curriculum topic study. Check back as new resources are added periodically. If you have a CTS resource that you would like to share, contact us using the Contact button.
Anatomy of a CTS Study Guide- This one page downloadable pdf graphically describes the components of a CTS guide.
Guiding Questions to Use With CTS- Sample questions to use with each section of a CTS guide, whether you are facilitating a CTS session or conducting your own study.
Bozeman Science Videos- This collection of short videos by Paul Anderson, Bozeman Science, can be used as optional additional resources to supplement CTS sections I (adult content knowledge) and V (K-12 articulation). There is a video for each core idea in CTS Categories A-C; scientific and engineering practices in CTS Category D; and crosscutting concepts in CTS Category E.
Collaborative Inquiry Into Examining Student Thinking (CIEST) Scaffold- This is the updated scaffold for facilitating the protocol for looking at student responses from a CTS Section III formative assessment probe. The original version from the first edition of CTS (2005) was in the 2010 Science Curriculum Topic Study Leaders Guide.
CTS Section IV Research on Learning Summaries- If you do not have access to the CTS Section IV Research on Learning print resources, you can access short summaries of the research here, including additional new research when available.