CTS workshop in partnership with NSTA and the Iowa Science Center

CTS workshop in partnership with NSTA and the Iowa Science Center

Embedding CTS into Your Professional Learning Program

CTS is designed to be easily embedded into a variety of science professional learning settings. It can be as simple as an individual using CTS to plan an instructional sequence, two colleagues studying a curricular topic together, an instructional coach and a new teacher clarifying learning goals, members of a curriculum committee using CTS to inform their curriculum work, an after-school professional learning community (PLC) deepening their understanding of their standards, a preservice methods course using CTS before planning a lesson, or a large workshop setting in which groups combine their studies to examine three-dimensional learning. Whatever the format, topic, or audience, professional learning and collaboration is enhanced when colleagues have opportunities work together to study, analyze, discuss, and apply findings from a curriculum topic study.

CTS Workshop at the Iowa Science Center

CTS Workshop at the Iowa Science Center

CTS Professional Development

When you become familiar with CTS, you will find ways to embed CTS in your professional development contexts whether it is a PLC, a one-day workshop, a book study, or part of a multi-day institute. CTS also has trained professional consultants who can provide professional development in your setting virtually or face to face. Use the contact button above to inquire about consultant services.

CTS Workshop at the Iowa Science Center

CTS Workshop at the Iowa Science Center